We need help!
Laptops do not hold up very well to kids...
..... and we see a LOT of them.
If you have a working laptop or tablet that you are not using, we might be able put some smile
life back into it.
We need a full range of equipment: newer, older, big, small, slow, or fast laptops & Tablets. We can
find a use for almost anything portable.
Most of the software we use would run on almost anything as far back as Windows 97, but not
everything. Some of the new kits require a tablet with Bluetooth. We thought that nearly everyone
has that old working laptop that they have been keeping around for sentimental reasons, but would be
willing to part with it knowing that it would be doing something AWESOME like helping kids reach
their potential. (a lot of kids) We can't guarantee that your equipment will last very long (did I
mention that kids will be using it?), but there will certainly be a lot of appreciation.
If you have something that you think we could use or if you have further questions, please contact us.
Thank You,